The MSAP® Method of composting was originally developed to mitigate odors at several biosolids composting facilities, which were being encroached upon by housing developments.
The MSAP® Method of composting was originally developed to mitigate odors at several biosolids composting facilities, which were being encroached upon by housing developments.
HQ Catalyst generates elevated curing temperatures and maintains optimal aerobic conditions without the need for frequent turning.
Creating more compost in less time increases yield per acre and maximizes revenue, making smaller commercial compost yards economically feasible.
Because more compost can be created in less time, overall production rates per acre rise, generating higher revenues and profits.
Less required turning equates to a reduction of ammonia and other volatile gasses that generate undesirable odors.
Less turning and shorter cure time means less labor is required to produce a cubic yard of compost.
Compost finished through the Harvest Quest method has increased beneficial bacterial counts, resulting in a product that has major agricultural advantages.
The precisely controlled bacterial environment produces high-quality finished compost in as few as 60 days.
Compost produced using Harvest Quest’s Catalyst technology has been documented to have unusually high counts of beneficial microbes when compared to those produced using more traditional composting methods. The abundance of beneficial bacteria is a direct result of the use of the Catalyst and the fact that reduced disturbance of the material through turning allows the bacterial colonies to increase optimally.
In a correspondence from Douglas Rice, Ph.D, Laboratory Director, Colorado State University Environmental Quality Lab to Harvest Quest, his letter states, “based on the types of organism isolated and the rich populations, the Harvest Quest compost is a superior, safe, high nutrient product.” Our team of experts at Harvest Quest continually works with our clients, as well as suppliers and end users, to develop speciality markets for our unique compost products.
“….Harvest Quest has clearly cracked the code to create and maintain the perfect conditions throughout the composting process…”
Southeast Soils are prized not only for their nutrient value but their ability to prevent disease and ultimately, reduce costs.